
Thousands protest coup attempt across Turkey

Thousands of people took to streets on July 16 to protest the coup attempt in the country.

Protesters waving flags gathered in Istanbul's Taksim Square. The group also staged a marched toward the central Istiklal Avenue.

In the capital Ankara, thousands gathered at the central Kizilay Square to protest the coup attempt, chanting anti-coup slogans. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim was due to address the crowd but it was postponed later.

The square was also closed to traffic.

Protesters said they will stay until officials call them to return their homes.

In the Aegean province of Izmir, protesters gathered in the central Konak Square and chanted anti-coup slogans.

Meanwhile, a group of protesters also gathered in front of the U.S.-based scholar Fethullah Gülen's residence in Pennsylvania, holding banners and chanting slogans.

Following the coup attempt in the country on July 15, Turkish officials called on the nation to continue to protest the coup attempt in squares.



Erdogan makes 'thank you call' to parliament speaker, opposition leaders

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a "thank you call" to parliament speaker and leaders of the two opposition parties on July 16.

The president thanked Republican People's Party (CHP) leader Kemal Kiliçdaroglu and National Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli for not giving credit to the July 15 coup attempt during a phone conversation.

Erdogan also held a phone conversation with parliament speaker Ismail Kahraman and thanked all deputies for their heroic stance when the parliament was hit by bombs during the coup attempt.

Meanwhile, Erdogan also held a phone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, private broadcaster CNN Türk has reported.

According to the report, Tsipras said the country would do what is necessary to return eight coup plotters, who landed at the Alexandroupolis province near Turkish border.

In addition, a group of Turkish military personnel arrived at Alexandroupolis Airport at around 11 p.m. to take the helicopter used by coup plotters back to Turkey.

The Sikorsky model helicopter departed for Turkey later.



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